“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me” Mt.25/40
SNEH SADAN SPECIAL SCHOOL comes under Sneh Sadan Social Welfare Society. This society is run by the SABS sisters of the Christu Jyoti Province Satna. This society is mainly involved in the integral development of the children especially in the field of differently able children and the education of the girls. Sneh Sadan Special school started in the year 1999 in Bharhut Nagar Satna Madhya Pradesh. The inauguration was on 20-10-1999 by Rev. shri Rajaram Tripatti Mayor of Satna. And the Blessing was done by His Excellency Mar Abhraham Mattom the Bishop of Satna whose dream was to start a home for differently abled children at SATNA. Mother Virgin SABS the Provincial Superior of Christu Jyoti Province, fulfilled this dream with her whole hearted co-operation and took all the pains and struggles to start SNEH SADAN SPECIAL SCHOOL in Satna Madhya Pradesh.